Using all forms of art and creativity to point our community to God and inviting them to respond with their lives.

Make a Joyful Noise
New Hope’s worship team is comprised of leaders, musicians, vocalists, and artists who endeavor to use their craft to serve and edify the Church. Each Sunday, this team leads New Hope in musical worship. Interested in learning more about the worship team or how you can get involved?
Seth Overby | Worship & Arts
seth.overby@newhopepdx.org | 503-659-5683 x408
Seth is the Pastor of Worship Arts at New Hope and gives oversight to our worship creative communities. He would love to hear from you if you have questions or would like help getting connected.

Creative Community
The Creative Community is a group of individuals who use their imagination, craft, and problem-solving in myriad ways to follow Jesus and share His love with New Hope, the city of Portland, and the world. Our goal is to inspire one another, learn together, and collaborate in creative and spiritually formative endeavors. This community is open to all creatives, including writers, artists, bakers, painters, designers, coders, gardeners, sculptors, quilters, dancers, and more. The Creative Community is volunteer-led by Jess Anders, Corrie Rosensteel, and Sarah Lane.