Baptism is a beautiful, public declaration of your commitment to follow Jesus.
Baptism is an external symbol of an internal reality. When you place your faith in Christ, it’s time to get baptized. It’s your opportunity to tell the world that you belong to Jesus. We ask anyone under 18 to meet with our youth pastor or kids pastor before being baptized. We ask youth to wait until they are nine years old before deciding for baptism.
We offer Parent & Child Dedications as an alternative celebration for infants. Email our Info Team for information about Parent & Child Dedications.

Next Steps
If you’re ready to take the plunge, let us know you would like to be baptized. If you have questions before committing, you can always talk to a pastor by emailing us at info@newhopepdx.org. Wherever you’re at in your journey, we’re here to help.
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