
Care For The Most Vulnerable

We live in a broken world. Followers of Jesus are called to help make things right. We do this through acts of justice, helping to build God’s Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.

Learn More About Justice in the Bible

The Beloved Community:

Created With Diversity, Designed For Community

The Beloved Community was formed to lead New Hope in work related to racial reconciliation. We want to take steps toward just and equitable engagement both inside and outside the walls of the church.

The Beloved Community wants to partner with God in making things right by:

  1. Helping build God’s Kingdom on earth
    We do this by living out kingdom values such as humility, lament, courage, listening, and curiosity.
  2. Loving God and Loving All Others
    We know that this is sometimes hard to do but we believe that in God’s kingdom this is what we are called to do.
  3. Living by Grace – Both Receiving and Sharing Grace
    We think this looks like allowing for mistakes and celebrating the pathway they illuminate for growth.


Denise Douglas | justice@newhopepdx.org | 503-659-5683

Denise works with several volunteer teams to serve our justice partners both locally and globally. She enjoys really good coffee, the beauty of the outdoors, stories told well, and finds that walking with Jesus is so full of life, mystery and change that every day is packed with meaning.