Justice in the Bible

In the beginning all that God created was good (Genesis 1). The world was in a state of shalom (peace and harmony) where everything was as God intended. Sin shattered shalom (Gen. 3: Rom. 6:23a). In response to our sin God launched a worldwide restoration plan centered in the death and resurrection of Jesus (Isaiah 58:6-12, Luke 4:16-20, 2 Cor. 5:14-21).

The work of Jesus makes things right in our hearts (Rom. 5:1). Followers of Jesus are then called to make things right in the world. We do this through acts of justice which are steps towards Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven (Micah 6:8, Matt. 6:10). We seek to serve those who are the most vulnerable (Luke 10:25-37, James 1:27). In doing so, we serve Jesus himself (Matt. 25:31-46).