Open Arms International

Open Arms International has a mission to help people move from desperation to H.O.P.E. (Homes, Outreach, Purpose, Empowerment) through their Child Care Programs. They provide a safe and loving home to the most vulnerable children in their area.

Welcome Home Outreach

Touching the lives of those in greatest need in the San Quintin Valley of Baja, Mexico, Welcome Home strives to be the hands and feet of Jesus by offering free daycare for children of indigent farm workers, hosting missions teams who build homes, and minstering to needs of the community.

Heart for Lebanon

Heart for Lebanon comes alongside families living in despair by helping meet physical needs, providing access to education, and building authentic relationships that allow us to introduce them to the hope that is found in Jesus Christ.  

India Gospel League

India Gospel League has a mission to bring sustainable transformation to rural villages throughout South Asia. They do that by building strong partnerships, caring for the sick, caring for children and caring for the poor.

Strong Harvest

Strong Harvest fights hunger and poverty by empowering developing-world families with the knowledge of how to grow and use the multi-faceted moringa tree for improved health, increased family income, and environmental care.

Zach and Audrey Langford 
United Kingdom, Birkenhead

The goal for outreach and evangelism in this area is to create multiple points of outward focused ministry to reach the highly secular, poor community. Their goal is to build relationships and trust within the neighborhood and community. Read more here.

John and Donna Kruetz 
Southern Mexico - Zapotec People

John and Donna have been involved with the Guevea Zapotec people of Southern Mexico in the production and completion of the printed and audio Guevea Zapotec New Testament. Read more here.

Portia Manjengwa 
African Road

Portia is committed to ensuring that people in the communities she partners with can exercise choice and agency in their own lives, for their own advancement and for those around them. She brings her wealth of skill, commitment, and passion to the work of African Road, and to the East African Changemakers. Read more here.