Volunteer in KidsCom

We are always looking or committed Jesus followers who are passionate about serving children.

Currently we are looking for...

  • 4-K Small Group Leaders for 11am,
  • 1st-5th Small Group Leader for 11am,
  • Welcome/Greeters at 9am or 11am. 
  • SafeKids team members 9am or 11am.

If you are interested, please do one of the following:

Hiring in KidsCom

We are hiring part time positions...

Childcare Worker
If you are 15+ (especially 18+) and enjoy caring for kids we are looking for help during the week mainly in the evenings and on Sundays after church. Will provide CPR/First Aid training. Hours are flexible.

Online Application

If you are interested or have questions please ​contact LeRoy at leroy.lee@newhopepdx.org.