Participate in Prayer

Pray In Community
In-Person Prayer
- Pray with us every Tuesday morning from 6:30-7:30AM
- Tiempo de oración con nuestra comunidad española los miércoles por la noche a las 7 p.m
Online Prayer
Pray with us every Monday from 7pm-7:30pm.
Pray Online With Us
Prayer Room
The prayer room is a place of peace, a place where one can encounter God easily and naturally.
It is also a place where many people express their deep desire for Jesus and heartfelt desire for God to move and transform people and places.
Claim Your Hour
Prayer Team
Make space for God to move and transform one another by serving on the Prayer Team.
Join the TeamPrayer Resources
Jess Anders | jess.anders@newhopepdx.org | 503-659-5683
A graduate from Portland Seminary with a Master of Arts specializing in Spiritual Formation and Creation Care, Jess brings a depth of experience in ministry. Her passion is to help others connect to God with the many unique ways to engage with prayer.